Abbe: Abbe-Abbey Genealogy. In Memory of John Abbe and His Descendants ; Nichols, Josephine G.; New Haven, CT; 1916; Pages: 567 Abbey: Memorial of Captain Thomas Abbey: His Ancestors and Descendants of the Abbey Family, Pathfinders, Soldiers, and Pioneer Settlers of Connecticut, Its Western Reserve in Ohio and the Great War---; Freeman, Alder; East Orange, N.J.; 1917; Pages: 188 Abbot: Genealogical Register of the Descendants George Abbot of Abbott: Descendants of George Abbott ; Abbott, Lemuel; -----; 1906; Pages: 1246 Abbott: The Abbott, Adlum & Green Families ; Eisenhart, Willis; ; 1957; Pages: 89 Abeel: The Abeel and Allied Families ; Whittemore, Henry; Abell: Ancestors and Descendants of Jonathan Abell who Came from Connecticut and Settled in Schenectady County, NY About 1812 ; Abell, Horace A.; Rochester, NY; 1933; Pages: 62 Abell: The Abell Family in Abernathy: The Abernathys the Alexanders The Forneys the Sims. ; McClure, Mabel B.; Abernethy: The Antecedents of the Abernethy Family of Acheson: History of the Acheson Family on the Paternal Side ; Acheson, A. W.; Ackerman: Ackerman Family ; Vliet, Clair; [ Adair: Adair History and Genealogy ; Adair, James B.; Adam: One Hundred Thirty-eight Generations from Adam Being a Pedigree Traced Adam to the Present Time. ; Congdon, George E.; Adams: Genealogy of the Family of Adams of Brooklyn, New York, Descended from Those of the Northern Neck of Virginia, U. S. A. ; Adams, William Newton, Jr.; Brooklyn, NY; 1872; Pages: 12 Adams: Genealogy Of John Adams and His Descendants ; Adams, Gardiner; Adams: History of the Thomas Adams and Thomas Hastings Families of Amherst, Massachusetts ; Adams, Herbert B; Amherst, MA; 1880; Pages: 72 Adams: Some Descendants of William Adams of Adams: History of the Adams Family with Biographical Sketch of Distinguished Descendants of Several American Ancestors Including Collateral Lines ; Whittemore, Henry; New York, NY; 1893; Pages: 98 Adams: Genealogy and History of a Part of the Newbury Adams Family, Formerly of Devonshire, England, Being the Descendants of ; Adams, I. Smith; Calais, ME; 1895; Pages: 61 Adams: A Genealogical History of Henry Adams of Adams: A Genealogical History of Robert Adams ; Adams, Andrew; Adams: A History of the Adams Family of North Staffordshire ; Adams, Percy W. L.; Adams: Henry Adams of Adams: Adams: Ancestors and Descendants of Elias Adams: The Pioneer 600-1930 ; Adams, Frank D.; Adams: The Adams Family ; Adams, James Truslow; Adams: The Adams: Jeremy Adams of Adams: Adamson: The Adamson Saga ; Adamson, P. E.; Edmonton, AB; 1962; Pages: 262 Adsit: Descendants of John Adsit of Agnew: The Book of the Agnews. James Agnew, of Ainsworth: Genealogy of the Ainsworth Families in Akers: The Akers Family of Franklin County, Virginia ; Akers, A. E.; Roanoke Rapids, NC; 1953; Pages: 181 Albee: Albee Family Records ; Albee, Robert S.; Albee: The Albee Family of Albertson: The Alonzo Albertson Family: Root and Branch ; Albertson, Rev. O. H.; Albright: Some Records of the Albright Family ; Albright, Claribel; Albright: Additional Findings on North Carolina Albright Lineage ; McClain, Claribel Albright; St. Joseph, MO; 1950; Pages: 18 Alden: Memorial of the Descendants of the Hon. John Alden ; Alden, Ebenezer; Alden: The Story of a Pilgrim Family From the Mayflower to the Present Time ; Alden, Rev John; Boston, MA; 1889; Pages: 448 Alden: The Ancestors and Descendants of Isaac Alden ; Fielding, Harriet C.; [n.p.]; 1903; Pages: 160 Alden: Family Memorial. Part 1. Genealogy of Fourteen Families of the Early Settlers of New England ; Thayer, Elisha; Alderman: Aldermans in Aldrich: The George Aldrich Genealogy 1605-1971. An Attempt to Trace, in Both the Male and Female Lines the Posterity of George Aldrich ; Bartlett, John and Sarah; Aldridge: Aldridge Family Genealogy and History ; Aldridge, Franklin R.; Aldridge: Aldridge Records ; Aldridge, Franklin Rudolph and Rosalie C. Batson; Alexander: Memorials of the Earl of Stirling and of the House of Alexander ( 2 Volumes) ; Rogers, Charles; Alexander: Family Biographies of the Families of Alexander, Wilkinson, Sparr and Gutherie. With Sketches and Memorials on the Life and Character of John Alexande ; Alexander, William; Alexander: The Alexander Family ; Arnold, Frances A.; Alexander: The Alexanders of Alexander: Sketch of Alexander Alexander ; Alexander, Walter S.; Alger: A Genealogical History of a Branch of the Alger Family which Springs from Thomas alger of Taunton and Bridgewater in Massachusetts ; Alger, Arthur M; Boston, MA; 1876; Pages: 71 Allan: Memoir of Colonel John Allan An Officer of the Revolution Born in Allcott: Family of Asa Allcott ; Flagg, Charles Allcott; Allen: Genealogical Sketches of the Allen Family of Medfield ; Allen, Joseph; Allen: Genealogy of Samuel Allen of Allen: A Genealogy of the Allen Family, from 1568 to 1882 ; Allen, Hon. William; Allen: Genealogical History of the Allen Family and Some of Their Connections ; Stoddard, Mrs Allen: Memorial of Joseph and Lucy Clark Allen ( Allen: Walter Allen of Newbury, Mass, 1640 ; Bent, Allen H; Allen: Genealogical and Historical Sketches of the Allen Family ; Hutchinson, Frank Allen; Allen: Lewis Allen of Allen: The Allen Memorial. First Series Descendants of Edward Allen of Allen: The Allen Memorial. Second Series. Descendants of Samuel Allen of Windsor, Conn. 1640-1907 ; Allen, Orrin Peer; Palmer, MA; 1907; Pages: 384 Allen: George Allen/Ralph Allen One Line of their Descendants in New Jersey with Some Fragments of History ; Thompson, David Allen; Albany, NY; 1910; Pages: 66 Allen: A Brief History of the Allen Family in Allen: Some Early Settlers, Being a History of the Following Families: Allen, Littler, Metcalfe, Shouse and Short Sketches
. ; McCabe, Mary Cousins; Allen: Allen History and Genealogy ; Allen, George W.; NJ; 1937; Pages: 132 Allen: Notes on the Ancestors and Immediate Descendants of Ethan and Ira Allen. ; Spargo, John; Allerton: A History of the Allerton Family ; Allerton, Walter S.; Chicago, IL; 1900; Pages: 170 Allerton: A History of the Allerton Family in the United States 1585 to 1885 and a Genealogy of the Descendants of Isaac Allerton (revised and enlarged) ; Allerton, Walter S.; Chicago, IL; 1900; Pages: 172 Alling: Genealogical Sketches of Roger Alling of Alling: A History and Genealogical Record of the Alling-Allens of Allison: The History of the Alison or Allison Family in Europe and America, A.D. 1135 to 1893//// ; Morrison, Leonard Allison; Boston, MA; 1893; Pages: 375 Alston: The Alstons and Allstons of Northland, Alt: Valentin Alt: His Children and His Grandchildren ; Reeser, Nellie Wallace; Alvord: A Genealogy of the Descendants of Alexander Alvord an Early Settler of Windsor, Connecticut ; Alvord, Samuel; Webster, NY; 1908; Pages: 852 Ambler: Descendants of Jaquelin Ambler with Letters from His Daughter Mrs. Col. Edward Carrington ; Fisher, George D.; Salem, MA; 1890; Pages: 26 Ambrose: The Ambrose Family Records ; Clemens, William Montgomery; Ames: Descendants of William Ames of Bruton, England and Braintree, Mass.: Through Franklin Ames of West Bridgewater and Mansfield, Mass., and Waubeek, Wis. ; Thales L. Ames; Springfield, Mass; 1922; Pages: 2 Amidon: The Amidon Family: A Record of the Descendans of Roger Amadowne of Rehoboth, Massachusetts ; Best, Frank E.; Chicago, IL; 1904; Pages: 176 Ammidown: Genealogical Memorial and Family Record of the Ammidown Family and Partial Record of Some Other Families
; Ammidown, Holmes; Amos: The Amos Family. Ancestry and Descendants of Perry Amos 1857-1833 ; Schmitz, Maurine C.; Amsden: Some Decendants of Isaac Amsden of Anable: The Anable Family in Andrews: History of the Andrews Family. A Genealogy of Robert Andrews and his Descendants 1635 to 1890, With Sketches of Distingushed Persons of the Name ; Andrews, H. Franklin; Audubon, IA; 1890; Pages: 233 Andrews: The Andrews Family ; Andrews, James R.; [ Angell: Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Angell ; Angell, Avery; Annis: Genealogy of David Annis ; Currier, John M.; Ansley: Our Ansley Family ; Davidson, Harold Ansley; Anthony: Genealogy of the Anthony Family ; Anthony, Charles L.; Antrobus: Antrobus Pedigrees the Story of a Arbuthnots: Memories of the Arbuthnots of Kincardineshire and Aberdeenshire ; Arbuthnot, P.; Archer: Memorials of Families of the Surname of Archer ; Lawrence-Archer, J.H.; Archer: Genealogical History of the Archer Families ; Archer, M. B.; Arew: Descendants of John Arew of Accomac County, Virginia who Now Spell their Family Names Rew, Rue, and Rhue ; Rhue, George; Los Angeles, CA; 1955; Pages: 88 Armistead: The Armistead Family, 1635-1910 ; Garber, Mrs. Virginia A.; Armour: Armour Genealogy, Volume I, Part I, James Armour and His Descendants ; Armour, Quinnie; Bolivar, TN; 1972; Pages: 190 Armstrong: Chronicles of the Armstrongs ; Armstrong, James L.; Armstrong: Armstrongs of the Catawaba ; Cansler, Norma Todd; Arniston: The Arniston Memoirs : Three Centuries of a Scottish House, 1571-1838 ; Omond, George; Ashbaugh: The Ashbridge: The Ashbridge Book: relating to Past and Present. Ashbridge Families in Ashley: The Ashley Genealogy. A History of The Descendants of Robert Ashley of Springfield, Massachusetts ; Trowbridge, Francis B.; New Haven, CT; 1896; Pages: 530 Aspinwall: The Aspinwall Genealogy ; Aspinwall, Algernon Aikin; Aspinwall: The Aspinwall and Aspinall Families of Atherton: Hope Atherton and His Times ; Tucker, Arthur H.; Athey: Genealogy of the Athey Family in America ; Athey, C. E.; Marietta, OH; 1932; Pages: 90 Athey: The Descendants of Henry Athey of Atkins: Joseph Atkins. The Story of a Family ; Atkins, Francis Higginson; [n.p.]; 1891; Pages: 216 Atkins: A New England Family ; Claflin, Helen A.; Atkinson: The Atkinsons of Atkinson: The Families of Atkinson of Roxby ( Atlee: Genealogical Record of the Atlee Family ; Barber, Edwin; Atwater: A Genealogical Register of the Descendants in the Male Line of David Atwater One of the Original Planters of New Haven, Connecticut to the Sixth Gen
; Atwater, Edward E; New Haven, CT; 1873; Pages: 66 Atwood: History of the Atwood Family in Atwood: The Atwood Family ; Atwood, Arvilla Andrus; Atwood: Ye Atte Wode Annals ; Atwood, Elijan Francis; Sisseton, SD; 1928; Pages: 100 Atwood: Ancestry and Some Descendants of Harman Atwood of Auchincloss: John and Elizabeth (Buck) Auchincloss Their Descendants and Their Ancestry ; Auchincloss, Joanna R and Caroline A. Fowler; Auchmuty: The Auchmuty Family of Augur: Family History and Genealogy of the Descendants of Robert Augur of New Haven Colony ; Augur, Edwin R.; Middletown, CT; 1904; Pages: 264 Ausmus: Ausmus Family History ; Ausmus, Henry L.; Autry: The Family and Descendants of Captain John Autry ; Autry, Mahan Blair; Averill: The Averell-Averill-Avery Family. A Record of the Descendants of William and Abigail Averell of Ipswich, Mass. ; Avery, Clara A.; Cleveland, OH; 1914; Pages: 1122 Avery: The Averys of Avery: The Avery: A Fragmentary Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Myer Avery and his Son Peter Avery ; Avery, John; n. p.; 1914; Pages: 40 Avery: Chronicles of an American Home. Hillsdie ( Ayars: Robert Ayars and His Descendants ; Andrews, Frank D.; Ayer: James Ayer. In Momoriam. Born Oct 4, 1815, died Decmeber 31, 1891 ; Ayer, James B; Aylsworth: Arthur Aylsworth and His Descendants in America with Notes Historical and Genealogical Relating to the Family from Early English Records ; Aylsworth, Homer E. and James N. Arnold; Providence, RI; 1887; Pages: 632 Ayres: Genealogy of the Ayres Family ; States, James N.; New Haven, CT; 1916; Pages: 138
Abbe: The Abbe Genealogy ; Wallace, F. J. A.;
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